Remote Learning
Remote Learning at Harris Aspire
As you are aware, Remote learning was implemented during the Covid crisis in 2020. All schools had to deliver through what is termed as “Remote Learning” through Internet platforms to ensure that learning was still maintained.
The academy is ready if in the unlikely event, a school closure occurs again. If a school closure occurs, you will be contacted through email/text message of the situation and the duration of the closure along with your parents. Vulnerable students and students of critical workers will still be welcome to attend the academy. The academy along with the rest of the schools in the Federation use “Microsoft Teams” as their Learning Platform. Your ongoing education is critical and we have ensured that you have the necessary tools to access your learning from home and don’t fall behind in your education. We will attempt where possible to ensure that you are taught by your normal classroom teacher but there may be times when due to staff absence, your learning will be managed by another member of staff or in rare circumstances, materials will be uploaded on Teams for you to access and do independent study.
If you are unable to access the learning through illness, you must inform the academy through the usual process of contacting the academy before 8.30am on 020 3370 9238.
Your lessons all follow your normal timetabled lesson timings as if you were accessing them on site. Teachers will be able to communicate with you and publish on the screens and learning materials. You will still be able to access your files through the one drive system. TER sessions will still be delivered by your tutors who will be able to discuss with you any concerns or issues you may be having and will be the conduit to get them resolved as soon as possible. Assessments and coursework tasks will continue as normal. It is very important now that we know that there are no formal examinations in summer, that you complete all the work set to the very best of your ability in order for your teachers to have a solid evidence base for submitting your final grade to the examination boards. It cannot be stressed enough that the grades can only be backed up with evidence of your completed work, so it is vital that you work hard in these sessions and engage fully with the learning that is taking place.
For students taking practical subjects, for the moment these will have to be theory focussed through MS Teams.
Lesson Times
Lesson timings will remain the same as if you are attending school.
The timings are:
Our Expectations of You
You will be expected to follow your normal timetable, logging onto Teams on time and participating fully in the learning. You will complete the work set in the lesson and your teacher will give you feedback on how you are doing and how you can make improvements. If any students require specialist equipment for completing the work, the academy will ensure that these are delivered to your home.
All students must engage with the learning. If there are issues or problems that are preventing you from doing this then please contact the academy to let us know, we are here to help.
How do I get on to Microsoft Teams to access the lessons?
All students have been given training on how to access and use Microsoft Teams. Although you can access Microsoft teams through a web browser ideally you should download the app on your computer/device to give you easier access and greater functionality. You now can also access MS Teams through consoles i.e. PlayStation or X Box.
There is information on MS teams to give you further support in this section of the website.
All parents will be contacted regarding laptops, lack of Internet access and devices will be issued if requested. If you haven’t responded to the initial request or a problem occurs with the device or Internet connection you are using, please contact the academy and we will ensure that we enable you to access the learning.
Supporting your work in lessons.
During your lesson you can use the chat function to get direct support from your teacher but if you are struggling with work set out of lesson time, then please email your teacher. If you get no response after a reasonable time please use the info box address and we will attempt to get your query resolved as soon as possible. Please restrict your queries within the working hours of the academy and do not send emails to staff late at night.
Remote Learning Expectations:
Getting Ready to Learn
- Where possible try and ensure that your learning space is in a quiet room and free from distractions.
- Have ready basic equipment that you would need for any lesson i.e. pens, pencils, calculators and paper.
- Headphones with a microphone are useful to help you concentrate on the lesson content.
Communicating with the Teacher
When writing a message to the teacher in the Q&A section please ensure appropriate language is used and avoid any slang or language that the teacher may not understand.
Staff Absence
In the event of a member of staff not being available to deliver your lesson, a message of staff absence will be posted up on the website to inform you by 9.00am. Please refer to this daily. Log onto your lesson as normal and it may be covered by another member of staff or work will be posted up by the head of department for you to complete. The expectation is that you complete any work that is set and this will be monitored.
If for any reason you cannot access the work, please contact the Head of Department via email and they will resolve the issue for you.
Homework will still be set by your class teacher and you are still expected to complete it.
General Support
Click here for Connecting to Teams via Smart Devices