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We are looking forward to meeting with talented educators at the Federation Recruitment Fair on Saturday 8 February in Central London. You can register your interest in the event here:


Harris Aspire is delighted to announce the outcome of our recent Ofsted Inspection. Judged to be Outstanding in all categories used under the current inspection framework


Aspire Scientists at work……


Abigail soldering metal pipe work in the construction workshop.


Be kind. Everyone is healing from things they don’t speak about 💕 Image:


Be kind. Everyone is healing from things they don’t speak about 💕 Image:


Meaningful May - Day 19: Reflect on what makes you feel valued and purposeful


Meaningful May - Day 19: Reflect on what makes you feel valued and purposeful


In preparation for her maths exam and giving her all the support she needs on the day.


Construction student measuring up to make the brickwork nice and sturdy!


Aspire’s boxing champs


Do all the good you can ☀️ Even small steps can make a difference Image:


Do all the good you can ☀️ Even small steps can make a difference Image:


Our girls in action with the boxing coach


Christmas lunch enjoyed by staff and students today.


What a treat! Keeping students engaged by continuing the celebrations for Black History Month…Jamaican brown stew….fried dumplings…. Coconut and ginger cake and plenty more….


Our library is starting to take shape with an incredible donation of books from The charity works tirelessly to promote reading for pleasure by ensuring that everyone has access to a great book! Thank you!


A lovely piece of poetry by one of our talented students that was published


Multiple cuisines under one roof


We had an Ofsted visit on 17 November 21 and received a ‘good’ with ‘outstanding features’ The report can be found here

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Curriculum Overview 2024-25

Our curriculum aims to secure for our students the necessary skills, confidence and qualifications that will allow them to engage positively in their future education, employment or training. We recognise that students arrive with a range of significant gaps in one or more of the following areas:

  • academic knowledge and understanding
  • cultural capital
  • social and emotional literacy
  • understanding and following behavioural norms and expectations
  • confidence to do well in education
  • An understanding of their future aspirations and goals

These gaps mean our students’ relationship with and attitude to education has often been negative; the purpose of our curriculum is to change this. We aim to deliver an academically rich curriculum whilst supporting students in their personal, social and moral development. Following our referral and interview process, students will be able to select either academic or vocational pathways at Key Stage 4 which will guide them toward this aim.

The core aims of our curriculum therefore are:

  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is accessible, provides appropriate challenge and contains a wide range of learning experiences.
  • To develop our students into confident learners that are able to secure meaningful and relevant qualifications.
  • To provide our students with the necessary skills for work and life which will allow them to build successful and independent lives.

The key elements of our curriculum are as follows:

Literacy and Numeracy

Students receive 4 periods per week of direct instruction in English and Mathematics, as well as some students receiving additional support in these areas based on their need. Our curriculum reflects the importance of developing knowledge and skills in these areas as an essential factor in future success.

A rich academic and vocational offer

Students have access to a range of subjects, ensuring sustained academic progress and access to Level 2 qualifications. Students also have the opportunity to access subjects directly linked to future employment opportunities which often do not exist in mainstream settings, such as Construction, Health and Social Care, Business and Media Studies.


PHSE is a dedicated curriculum time designed to develop students’ social and emotional literacy, awareness and understanding of societal issues and the development of their employability for future careers. It encompasses the in-class Skills for Work and Life Learning Programme, our Assembly programme, our Enrichment offer, our three Thematic Days, our Tutor curriculum and our careers programme. Where necessary, our Inclusion team also support students’ social and personal development by providing access to life coaching and counselling.

  • Enrichment: Our rich and varied programme forms a core element of students’ timetables and aims to support personal development, as well the building of cultural capital, through a wide range of educational and social experiences. Activities include but are not limited to: The Football Beyond Borders programme, The Resilience Project, Boxing, London Site Seeing and Travel Training, Duke of Edinburgh, weekly visits to Jamie’s Farm, Duke of Edinburgh and Yoga Therapy.
  • Tutor time and Assemblies: Students will be exposed to core British values, aspects of the SACRE/RSE guidance and access to activities designed to promote personal and social development.
  • Thematic Days: Three dedicated curriculum days dedicated to the development of our students’ social, moral, cultural and spiritual development, as well as careers and the world of work.
  • Careers: All students will receive career guidance which will support them to make a successful transition into mainstream, further education, work or training.

Level 2 Pathway

Students may engage on a curriculum for one year taking English Maths and Science with option subjects. Year 10 students engage in courses that mirror their opportunities in Year 11 if they are re-comissioned for a second year. Students in year 11 who are successful in their studies may then apply to a level 3 course on offer the next year or apply to an external college or sixth form to access a level 3 course.

Students who cannot access level 2 subjects in the initial entry will be encouraged to take level 1 qualifications to secure confidence in their ability and to progress onto a level 2 course by the end of the academic year.


Our curriculum is underpinned by a commitment to our duties under the Equality Act 2010 and Special Educational Needs Regulations 2014. We strive to ensure that all students are able to succeed no matter what their entry point is. The most vulnerable often already face the greatest barriers, we seek to remove or mitigate these to create success for all. This means that we have a sharp focus on reading, writing, speaking and numeracy. Some will require specialist teaching to help develop the basics that were not formed appropriately in Key Stage 1 and 2. For others this will be the development of subject specific language and knowledge through specialist teachers. All teachers know their classes and cater for the individuals in them, with our SEND students supported through learning passports and high quality teaching.

Curriculum Year 10

One year Level 2 Package

All students take weekly

  • English Language/Lit GCSE (4 periods)
  • Mathematics GCSE (4 periods)
  • Citizenship GCSE (1 period)
  • Combined Science  GCSE (4 periods)
  • Art (1 period)
  • PE/Duke of Edinburgh (3 periods)
  • D&T (1 period)
  • Digital Skills Level 2 (1 period)
  • Tutorial/PSHEE (1 period)
  • Learning Support/Reflection sessions (4 periods)

Curriculum Year 11

One year Level 2 Package 1

All students take:

  • English Language GCSE (4 periods)
  • Mathematics GCSE (4 periods)
  • Citizenship GCSE (4 periods)
  • Combined Science  GCSE (6 periods)PE/Dof E (3 periods)

Curriculum Year 11

One year Level 2 Package 2

All students take:

  • English Language GCSE (4 periods)
  • Mathematics GCSE (4 periods)
  • Combined Science  GCSE (6 periods)
  • Enrichment (2 periods)
  • One option in Media Studies (CNat), Art (CNat), Business Studies (CNat), Health and Social Care (CNat),  or Construction (level1 Certificate). 6 periods assigned to these subjects.

Curriculum Year 11

One year Level 2 Package 3

All students take:

  • English Language GCSE (4 periods)
  • Mathematics GCSE (4 periods)
  • Construction Level 1 Diploma (City and Guilds) 14 periods

Curriculum Year 11

One year Level 2 Package 4

Students may take a combination of subjects from the 3 packages or extra subjects arranged through the commissioning schools dependent upon need or circumstance. When in this package the Core subjects will still be an expectation to complete.

  • English Language GCSE (4 periods)
  • Mathematics GCSE (4 periods)
  • Citizenship GCSE (4 periods)
  • Combined Science  GCSE (6 periods)